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Essentials of Neonatal Critical Care Orientation

Enhance and Standardize Neonatal Nurse Orientation

With Essentials of Neonatal Critical Care Orientation (ENCCO)

What is ENCCO?

ENCCO is an online course that helps hospitals and other healthcare organizations provide foundational nursing education on neonatal critical care by imparting valuable knowledge and tools needed to care for acute and critically ill neonatal patients.


Learn more about Essentials of Neonatal Critical Care Orientation by downloading our product overview. In this product guide, you’ll learn how ENCCO:
Icon-WebinarImmerses nurses in a learning environment that features rich illustrations, interactive case scenarios and practice activities
Icon-Review PanelEncourages nurses to assess care plan efficacy for acutely and critically ill neonatal patients
Icon-Medical DeviceFeatures application-focused case scenarios and ample case studies to bridge the gap between academic education and clinical reality
Icon-Focused LearningAllows educators to tailor learning to the specific needs of nurses while blending well with other educational content and teaching methods
Contributing Partner
The content of this course is developed by Pediatric Learning Solutions in collaboration with clinical experts to advance pediatric and neonatal nursing education. Content is reviewed on a regular cycle, ensuring current and relevant evidence guides clinician practice. Pediatric Learning Solutions is a product of Children’s Hospital Association.

Invest in your greatest asset:
Your people.

Essentials of Neonatal Critical Care Orientation is featured by AACN’s Enterprise Nursing Solutions. Through its Enterprise Nursing Solutions, AACN offers hospitals and other healthcare organizations proven, ready-made products and services to help reduce patient risk and improve the patient experience by investing in acute, progressive and critical care nurses.
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